WellFacts™ Property Reports


Before buying any property, you need to know if it had past oil or gas activity on it. However, you need to know much more information than just the location of an oil or gas well because you need to assess risks that can affect your health, cause environmental issues, and reduce your future property's value.

We can help. Don't make a mistake, Get the WellFactsTM first!

Learn more below and then complete the form to get started on the product you need.

Where are Oil and Gas Wells?

Many people do not realize that oil and gas wells have been drilled for over 100 years in numerous areas. In fact, it is estimated that over 3.5 million wells have been drilled onshore in the United States. This map from the USGS in 2017 shows the extent of known wells. The likelihood of property being affected is very high regardless of where you live.

USGS Map of Oil and Gas Wells 2017
Plugged Oil and Gas Wells are Not in Title Work or on Surveys.

Oil and gas well locations are not included in title work. Historical mineral leases may be recorded in title work, along with any easements, but the actual well location is not identified. Since old plugged wells are cut off below ground, they do not show up on a survey. This also means any old buried pits or gathering lines are not identified. Therefore, you are not aware of their existence.

Studies show known oil and gas wells close to homes can reduce their value by 25%. Imagine how much the value of your property could be reduced if hidden wells are found. As an example from a real neighborhood, the stars in the picture show plugged wells, which are all below ground.

Oil and Gas Wells Can Leak.

When a well is drilled, cement is used between the wellbore and the casing to prevent fluids from different formations interacting with other formations, to prevent fluids from migrating to the surface, and to protect groundwater. This is a standard part of wellbore construction. This practice has changed over time and become more conservative. Unfortunately, failures in wellbore construction using cement occur creating leaks that harm groundwater and allow fluids and gases to migrate to the surface.

Cement is also to plug wells at the end of their productive life. No one knows exactly how long cement plugs will last though because they have only been used for about 100 years. During this time, many plug failures have occurred. As with any engineering solution, failures occur if there is no maintenance. Determining if failure is occurring is difficult when it is below ground. This picture depicts an exposed plugged well that is slowly leaking.

Oil and Gas Pits are Not in Title Work or on Surveys.

Just like oil and gas wells, old pits from oil and gas activity are not in title work or on surveys. The usage of pits for various products and waste was a common practice by oil and gas companies for decades. Even though some of these pits are no longer used, they are still common for some wastes and in some states.

Oil and gas pits are a serious concern for your health and the environment because they contain salts, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons. These can off gas and leach into the soil and groundwater. If any leached contaminants move off of your property, you are liable for the damage done to someone else's property.

This photograph is of reserve pit containing diesel-laden drilling waste. These pits are known to cause groundwater contamination.


We offer three solutions to learn about oil and gas activity on property: WellFacts™ QuickScreen; Prime and WellFacts™ Pro. When looking for property or a home, you can search specific counties for oil and gas activity using WellFacts™ QuickScreen. Once you have a specific home or property in mind, Wellfacts™ Prime identifies if there is oil and gas activity on the property and provides basic information on the wells and operators of the wells. If there is activity, Wellfacts™ Pro gives a more detailed analysis.

QuickScreen is focused on home buyers who want to know how much oil and gas activity is found in a particular county of interest. This report informs you if there is low, medium, or high activity or if there has been no activity. By using QuickScreen, you can easily determine if you would like to continue your search for a new home in your area of interest. Once ordered, this report takes approximately one day to create depending on our backlog.
Prime is focused on home buyers. This report lists plugged, active, or inactive wells on a property. We also include information on the operators of the wells, gathering lines on or around the property and, finally, potential risks from this oil and gas infrastructure . Home buyers can use this report to screen properties before purchasing a home saving themselves from future risk and financial loss. Once ordered, this report takes approximately two days to create depending on our backlog.
Pro focuses on buyers of farms and ranches of any size. This report provides detailed information on identified wells in on property including all the information in Prime as wells as well drilling information, well construction information, plugging information, old pit information, and the likelihood of gathering lines. We also include information on possible mitigation methods for the risks identified. Once ordered, this report takes approximately five days to create depending on our backlog.
"We bought Prime before our option period was up on our house and discovered there was a plugged well on a lot 400 feet away. At first, we were concerned but then realized it was plugged to the latest rules and the groundwater flow was probably going away from our house. We know we have to watch for any potential issues, but we felt safe enough to proceed. Without WellFacts™ Prime we would not have known about this old well." - Tom S.
"We were looking for land in south Texas. Our broker mentioned WellFacts™. After talking with Waste Analytics, we decided to have a Pro report done on the 2,500 acres we were interested in. The report found several wells that were plugged in the 1950s. Due to the potential risk of plug failures, we negotiated with the landowner for a reduced price. Not only did we obtain information that helped with the purchase, but we now know the areas we need to monitor and who to call if there is a problem. The price of Pro more than paid for itself." - Clint B.

Next Steps - Complete the WellFacts™ Customer Request Form

To find out about about a county or piece of property, complete the form below depending on the product you are interested in.

WellFacts™ QuickScreenTM costs $39 for each county you are interested in. For WellFacts™ Prime and Pro, we send you a quote for the requested report after you complete the form. Pricing depends on the size of the property you want investigated. As an example, Wellfacts™ Prime costs $199 for a lot that is two acres or less. We also offer two of these reports for $358 for two acres or less, if ordered at the same time, for property comparisons by completing Section 3. WellFacts™ Pro starts at $349 for a lot that is two acres or less.

Don't make an offer on property without getting the WellFacts™ first.


Customer Information


Report Property Information

Waste Analytics offers a discount for home buyers that wish to purchase QuickScreen for more than one county or Prime on more than one property.

The additional report will receive a 20% discount!


Additional Report Property

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do you need a WellFactsTM report?

    • WellFactsTM reports provide information on oil and gas wells that is difficult to find so that you know risk information about any oil and gas wells or activity on property. The reports provide technical information on oil and gas activity that is easy to read and understand so that you can make decisions about property. Without WellFactsTM you are blind about issues that can harm your health, property, and property value.

  • Does a landman provide the same information as WellFactsTM.

    • No, landmen provide information on mineral ownership of property. They do not provide information on the wells themselves.

  • Are land and home prices impacted by oil and gas activities?

    • Several studies have shown that property values decrease on average by 25% when oil and gas wells are drilled.  If appraisers are unaware of old oil and gas activity, the property will be reduced once it is found.  This represents a serious issue for future property valuations.

  • Do state geographic information system (GIS) maps provide accurate information on oil and gas wells?

    • GIS maps often rely on locations that were based on surveys lines and not latitude and longitude.  Therefore, accuracy of location for old wells is not precise.  Other information that is important to determining risks from oil and gas activity is also difficult to find on oil and gas regulatory sites.

  • Do Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments provide the same information as WellFactsTM?

    • No, because WellFactsTM provides much more detailed information on oil and gas activity that is critical for risk assessment. Phase 1s follow ASTM standard E1527-21 for small property (usually buildings) and E2247-16 for forestry and rural properties. These were created from rules in the federal CERCLA law. The ASTM standards for Phase 1s state that conditions that pose a material threat of a future release should be included in the report. Even though Phase 1s often include oil and gas wells locations, they do not provide the information necessary to determine what may cause a future release. WellFactsTM provides this detail.

  • Do other countries have similar numbers of oil and gas wells onshore as the United States?

    • No, the United States has more wells drilled onshore than any other country.  This means the United States has been impacted the most by oil and gas activity.

  • Who is responsible for plugging leaking wells?

    • The oil and gas company who plugged the well is responsible for re-plugging the well if it leaks.  However, the company still has to be in business.  If the operator is no longer a viable entity, the state government is responsible for re-plugging.  Environmental damage to soils and groundwater is a separate issue regarding the responsibility for cleanup than re-plugging a leaking well.

  • Are some wells more susceptible to leaking than other wells?

    • Yes, there are multiple factors that may cause a well to leak. This is evidenced by state regulators giving different priorities to different well if they are considered orphaned.

  • Should you be concerned about dry holes?

    • Yes, because a dry hole only means that oil and gas was not present in economical quantities. Oil and gas may have been present but not in sufficient quantity to make money. Therefore, they can still leak if the well was not constructed properly or plugged properly.

  • Are well construction and well plugging practices regulated by the federal government?

    • The federal government only regulates oil and gas wells on federal lands.  Most oil and gas wells are drilled on private land which is regulated by state regulatory agencies, e.g., Railroad Commission of Texas, Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

  • Have well construction and well plugging engineering changed over time?

    • Yes, engineering practices have improved.  However, not all states require the most up-to-date engineering practices.

  • Does home insurance cover leaking plugged wells or contamination from old pits?

    • No, homeowner’s insurance does not cover any issues below the surface of the land.

  • Do you need a WellFactsTM report if I you are not buying or own the minerals on land?

    • Yes, if a well leaks or pits exist, the surface owner will bear the burden of dealing with the oil company that is responsible. Also, if the statute of limitations expires before you take action once finding contamination, the liability for the damage will reside with the surface owner.

  • Does general liability on farms or ranches cover environmental damage from oil and gas operations?

    • No, general liability usually does not cover environmental damage.